Britney Spears - Circus .Lrc

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[ar:Britney Spears]

[00:08.12]There's only 2 types of
[00:09.70]people in the world
[00:12.75]The ones that entertain
[00:14.33]And the ones that observe
[00:16.30]Well baby
[00:17.98]I'm a put-on-a-show kind of girl
[00:20.42]Don't like the backseat
[00:22.67]Gotta be first
[00:24.59]I'm like the ringleader
[00:26.69]I call the shots
[00:27.92](Call the shots)
[00:28.87]I'm like a firecracker
[00:31.00]I make it hot
[00:32.23]When I put on a show
[00:34.99]I feel the adrenaline
[00:36.69]Moving through my veins
[00:38.94]Spotlight on me
[00:40.54]And I'm ready to break
[00:43.18]I'm like a performer
[00:44.72]The dancefloor is my stage
[00:47.66]Better be ready
[00:48.84]Hope that you feel the same
[00:52.87]All eyes on me
[00:53.82]In the center of the ring
[00:54.97]Just like a circus
[00:57.85]When I crack that whip
[00:58.68]Everybody gon' trip
[00:59.14]Just like a circus
[01:01.20]Don't stand there watching me
[01:02.77]Follow me
[01:03.54]Show me what you can do
[01:05.29]Everybody let go
[01:06.42]We can make a dancefloor
[01:07.40]Just like a circus
[01:12.74]There's only 2 types of
[01:14.31]guys out there
[01:16.74]Ones that can hang with me
[01:18.76]And ones that are scared
[01:20.92]So baby
[01:21.63]I hope that you came
[01:24.97]I run a tight ship
[01:27.21]So beware
[01:29.24]I'm like the ringleader
[01:31.22]I call the shots
[01:32.50](Call the shots)
[01:33.42]I'm like a firecracker
[01:35.52]I make it hot
[01:36.82]When I put on a show
[01:39.49]I feel the adrenaline
[01:41.22]Moving through my veins
[01:43.50]Spotlight on me
[01:45.11]And I'm ready to break
[01:47.71]I'm like a performer
[01:49.21]The dancefloor is my stage
[01:52.21]Better be ready
[01:53.44]Hope that you feel the same
[01:55.29]All eyes on me
[01:56.32]In the center of the ring
[01:57.45]Just like a circus
[01:59.49]When I crack that whip
[02:00.57]Everybody gon' trip
[02:01.57]Just like a circus
[02:03.67]Don't stand there watching me
[02:05.25]Follow me
[02:06.18]Show me what you can do
[02:07.65]Everybody let go
[02:08.87]We can make a dancefloor
[02:09.94]Just like a circus
[02:15.37]Let's go
[02:21.13]Let me see what you can do
[02:25.36]I'm runnin' this
[02:26.60]Like-like-like a circus
[02:28.58]Yeah, like a what?
[02:30.69]Like-like-like a circus
[02:33.99]All eyes on me
[02:34.52]In the center of the ring
[02:35.79]Just like a circus
[02:37.20]When I crack that whip
[02:38.21]Everybody gon' trip
[02:39.27]Just like a circus
[02:41.38]Don't stand there watching me
[02:42.89]Follow me
[02:43.74]Show me what you can do
[02:45.45]Everybody let go
[02:46.60]We can make a dancefloor
[02:47.66]Just like a circus
[02:49.77]All eyes on me
[02:50.83]In the center of the ring
[02:51.78]Just like a circus
[02:53.91]When I crack that whip
[02:54.97]Everybody gon' trip
[02:55.96]Just like a circus
[02:58.47]Don't stand there watching me
[02:59.65]Follow me
[03:00.41]Show me what you can do
[03:02.17]Everybody let go
[03:03.35]We can make a dancefloor
[03:04.45]Just like a circus
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