How to find LRC files

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Another way to find LRC files without having to create them

Yes, I know… it’s not fun to create your own LRC files. But since music companies went really mad about copyrighted material being distributed freely online, several LRC file sharing websites had to shut down. That’s why you are not finding LRC lyric files on the internet. No, don’t worry. It’s not like they are out of fashion, it’s simply a copyright/legal issue. Remember you can always play LRC files with your preferred player. The problem is if you want to share them “publicly”. So kids, don’t do it!
If you don’t feel like creating by your self all your LRC files and you don’t have any geekier friend, then another way to do it is to use Google. No, don’t worry… I wont tell you “Google it” (hate when people do that!). There is a smarter way to use Google search to find LRC files (or any kind of file you are looking for out there).
Yes, there are a couple of words for this spell to work and I’m going to teach you how to use them:
Go to Google search and write: filetype:lrc the song name or artist at the end
Just like you can see in the image below.
Google LRC files research
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