S4 League AimBOT Hilesi indir yeni

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S4 League AimBOT BETA New Download
Configuration in Real Time…
You can set…
* Area to search (%) = Size area to search the pixel.
* Color to find = The exact color of the enemy to found.
* Color Variations = Find color variations if the main color.
* A second color = If you want you can choice two diferent color to find and his variations.
* AimForce = A multipler for mouse speed movement.
* Game Selector = Configured to S4League and if you want try it on other game to.
* Invert x/y = Invert the mouse behavior of the AimBOT.
* ON/OFF Icon button = The S4 Logo is a clickeable button.
* X = ON/OFF (in-game).
* ESC = Close AimBOT.
///WAY TO USE///
* UnRAR all the files in the same folder or it doesn´t work.
* Run the AimBOT.
* Run S4League and login.
* Switch windows(ALT+TAB) until AimBOT
* Press GetSize button and switch windows until S4League
* Switch windows until dialog “Get Size!!!” and press OK button
* Then Click on the S4League Logo or press X key to activate
* You can change some configuration to suit the BOT for better working results.
* 32bits = WORKING!!!
* 64bits = WORKING!!!

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